Hello out there...this being my first ever post, not sure if there is anyone here yet. I am writing with the intention that someone will read this one day...So, welcome to my little slice of the blog world. Here is where I share all that inspires me, my passions, what I hope to accomplish and any useful tidbits that I have gathered along the way, that I deem useful and fun to share.
Speaking of passions, you will find posts about crochet, yoga, home life, family, books, eating, caring for the environment, design, my favourite things, lifestyle, and everything in between.
Modern Grace...the name I've chosen for my blog and my crochet shop, was inspired by my Grandmother, Grace (which is also my middle name), who was a very talented knitter and crocheter. I have some experience knitting, as a girl, but I always wanted to learn to crochet. I just thought it was so cool the way they put those holes in the piece...how did they do that? Long story short, about 6 years ago, I decided I would teach myself, with Debbie Stoller's amazing book, The Happy Hooker...could crochet really be this easy? I've never looked back, I've learned so much since and just keep learning. Crochet is so simple, with really just a few basic stitches and variations on those. Simple is so beautiful...just as my Grandmother was. Take a look at some of my creations over the past few years..