
Flicr Favs (take 2)

Crochet: Ethel Cushionfresh fruit :)a cushion of rosesIMG_7527Colorful crochet threadColourful cushiony crochet things....
ribambelle de napperonspotholdersRetro Circle ThrowCrochet bag from the same Japanese bookcolombineCheckerboard print
Hello I recently discovered on Flickr that they have a new way of sharing photos, via Facebook, twitter, Blogger, etc. I could never quite figure out how to share multiple of my favourite, inspiring crochet photos. I was creating a gallery on Flickr and then just sharing the link back to my Flick gallery (see yesterday's post). Until this morning, I was on my galleries page and noticed that you could share the whole gallery on your blog...voila! Sometimes, it just takes awhile to keep up with all the contantly changing cool things that can be done on the internet. So, hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do!