
Granny Treasures

Hello Friends...

As many of you may know, we're moving at the end of July and in the process of going through all my stuff, I've been re-appreciating some of the treasures that have been passed down to me from my Grandmother.  It was such a lovely day today, so I took it all outside so I could capture a few of my goodies in the natural light - take a look...

After my grandmother passed away and my mom was going through her stuff, I was fortunate enough to take these two lovely pieces...canister and butter dish.

I love the bird motif and chinoiserie style of these china pieces.

They are called "Chinese Rose"

This little bowl again has the's called a VAR-I-ETE pretty.

Pretty floral on the inside.

And this jar (not a china piece), but I just loved the colours on it...I've always had it out somewhere in my home.