
Crochet Baby Hat

Hello Friends...Another baby born in the family!  I made this hat to match the Baby Lisa Blanket.

 The pattern for this simple, yet lovely hat can be found here on Ravelry.

Desk Makeover

Hello Friends...I've had this old desk for years and I've been talking about painting it for years.  Here are some before pictures and some more in it's primed state.  Follow me as I give this old piece of furniture a new live and new purpose:

It's a fold down desk, as you can see.  Rather junky looking with all my $%$# piled in haphazardly.


Primed and already looking better!

Spring Time Dishcloths

Hello Friends...Check out my latest batch of dishcloths in fun spring time colours.  Here's hoping for some warmer spring like weather soon!